
Mad About Swing: the heart of Plymouth’s Swing Dance scene since 2007

Booking Form

Cosy Balboa Daylight Sessions and The Joint Is Jumpin' starring the Mama Tokus Swing Quartet, 3 May 2025

Please fill in the form below to book for Cosy Balboa Daylight Sessions and/or The Joint Is Jumpin' starring the Mama Tokus Swing Quartet (see event details).

You may book for yourself, or yourself and others. Please note that a valid e-mail address is required.

To secure your booking, please make payment in the next 48 hours. Payment details will be e-mailed to you on receipt of your booking request. Please note that your booking is not confirmed until payment has been received.









Please select the sessions you would like to book below.

Sat 3rd May Role of booker
Balboa Daylight: First Half (Core Fundamentals)
Balboa Daylight: Second Half (Next Steps)
Social: The Joint is Jumpin

Submit booking request

You have selected the following:

  People Sessions Total price
Sat 3rd May

To secure your booking, please make payment within 48 hours.

Early bird booking is currently open. The early bird price above only applies for payments received by 1 April 2025. If payment is made after that time, a higher charge may apply: please see the event page for more details.

To submit your booking request, you must agree to the following terms: